Instagram Tips for the Retail Industry


José Gómez

Dec 3, 2012


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Social Media

1. Display your products

You can use Instagram to display your products to potential customers. You could show off photos of soon-to-be-launched products or display products you already have in your collection. If your business is service-oriented, you could show pictures of your business’ premise or the equipment used to offer the service. For instance, restaurant owners could show photos of their kitchens, fitness instructors could provide images for a gym, and photographers could display the tools of their trade.

2. Show the process of production

Many people would be interested in knowing how the products they use are made. Therefore, you could consider displaying photos which take your followers through the different stages of the production process. In case the method is lengthy, it would be advisable to break it into several posts which show the process from planning to delivery.

3. Show the uses of your product

You can use Instagram to show your followers new or creative ways in which your product can be used. This would also be a great chance to invite consumers to submit photos of them using your product in imaginative ways. You can then choose the most outstanding snapshots to post on Instagram.

In case your business offers a service such as landscaping, fitness instruction, interior design, hair design, or food production, you could show the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos of your subject. This comparison is likely to attract many more customers to your business.

4. Go behind the scenes

The moments of preparation before major activities offer excellent opportunities to capture some behind-the-scenes shots for Instagram. This could be when preparing for a media interview, filming a video for an ad, shooting photos for a catalog, or getting ready to give a speech.

5. Show your office

Post photos which provide your followers with an idea of what goes on in your office on a typical day. This could be photos of work areas, employees having a meal, training sessions, employees having fun, or brainstorming meetings. In case you are hiring, remember to include a link to your job posting in the caption.

6. Introduce your staff

You can Instagram to reveal the identities of the people who work at your company or business. While featured employees get a few seconds of fame, your followers will get the opportunity to see the faces behind the brand. Make sure you include a short caption along with the photo of every employee.

7. Share celebrity sightings

Nowadays, many people are obsessed with celebrities and want to know what they are wearing, where they are vacationing, and who they are dating. You can take advantage of this celebrity craze by posting photos of them using your products or services, speaking at your launch, or just dropping by your office. Such pictures are sure to create a buzz among your followers.

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