A positive workplace culture does not just happen. It is something you create and then cultivate. The steps to create a positive workplace culture today differ from what you might have implemented before the pandemic. So, what do insiders to positive cultures now name as critical to achieving your goal? Your questions – answered!
First Things First: What is a Great Work Culture?

You want employees to be happy and productive. They might be looking for work-life balance. What defines a positive company culture frequently means something different for employees than for the HR Department. That said, there is some common ground.
- An attitude of collaboration from the top down.
- The mission or vision statement illustrates how the work is meaningful.
- The leadership team is quick to recognize excellence or improvement.
- Management values dignity and positivity when making corrections.
. . . And Why Does It Matter?
When you take the steps to create a positive workplace culture, employees feel that they are heard and seen. As a result, your turnover rate is likely to be lower than that of other businesses in the industry. Similarly, your employees will identify with the business and its mission, creating loyalty and encouraging excellence.
No Happy Hour Can Overcome a Negative Management Style
Some managers rule by fear, and others get into shouting matches with workers. Neither attitude contributes to building a positive work environment. Before focusing on developing a positive company culture, determine if your management team needs to undergo some changes. Options include retraining or replacing team members who do not believe in the shared set of values, beliefs, and attitudes that guide your organization now.
Empower Your Employees
If you have ever gotten frustrated in a retail setting or while talking to customer service because every request needed approval from a supervisor, you are not alone. Employees who constantly have to ask a supervisor to make decisions they could make feel just as frustrated.
Empower your employees to make decisions independently to create a positive work environment. For example, if you have been wondering how to implement tiered pricing, give employees a voice. Not only does it show that you trust their judgment, but your customers are sure to be happier as well.

Develop Your Employees
The personal and professional development of team members must be a goal. In addition to cross-training workers for other positions, remember to add learning opportunities that will develop their soft skills. Ongoing learning opportunities boost job satisfaction because employees get something besides a paycheck and benefits. Options include online training programs or reimbursement for college courses that apply to your business.
Make Communication a Two-Way Street
One of the most effective steps to creating a positive workplace culture is to encourage open communication. Business insiders have found three easy ways to underline your support of this policy.
- The open door. When you are in your office, and the door is open, it shows you are approachable. Closed doors in a business signal the opposite.
- The anonymous suggestion box. While you create a positive workplace, some employees may hesitate. Have an anonymous suggestion box and empty it frequently. Address concerns or complaints positively at meetings.
- Solicit input. Involve your employees in shaping the company's direction. Ask for input, hold brainstorming sessions, or create contests that reward the best idea to tackle a specific issue.
You succeed in making communication a two-way street and getting workers to buy into your mission and vision statements.
Approach Employee Needs With Flexibility
Your employees want to work for you and do not want to jeopardize their income. At the same time, life happens. The sick child, the call from the school, the broken-down car, and the aging parent create situations that your workers need to attend to.
While you may have a policy about taking time off and coming to work late, there are times when flexibility makes more sense. For example, employees who fall asleep at work may be working two jobs to support their families. Rather than writing them up, why not suggest they work a later shift?
Flexibility results in a work-life balance that will make your employees work even harder.
Keep Politics Out of the Workplace
Everyone has an opinion. However, politics in the workplace will divide your employees just as it does in their personal lives. Even if you are sure that most of your workers and politicians agree, avoiding discussions, jokes, and political literature is best. Remember that the dissenting employee will not feel heard; sometimes, they may not think your workplace is safe. If you have a zero-tolerance policy in effect, consider adding political discussions or campaigning to them.
Put Employees First

Encourage workers to step away from their workstations during breaks and lunch. Some companies have had excellent results with putting picnic tables outside, where workers can eat lunch or spend a few minutes not working. Similarly, do not reschedule meetings with your employees. If you put it on the calendar, make it happen. If you consistently put your employee meetings at the bottom of the order of importance, your workers will feel unimportant, which leads to a negative workplace.
Look for Industry-Specific Options
We have mentioned some steps toward a positive work environment that will work for most industries. However, some steps may be unique to your line of business. Find them by brainstorming with your management team or reading publications geared toward marketing and branding. A positive work environment will undoubtedly come up. You can subscribe to marketing updates right now to get started!