Remote Working Best Practices for Small Business


Steve Thompson

Jan 24, 2021


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During the pandemic, the key to entrepreneurial survival has partly relied on remote working best practices for small businesses. Remote work resolves the issue of social distancing and more. A business owner who implements a work at home policy gains an edge over competitors who don't allow telework. Here are some essential best practices for establishing an ideal remote work environment.

Set Up a Secure and Comfortable Workstation‍

Remote workers should customize their home office or work desk based on their utility and comfort ideas while meeting security policy requirements. Many remote workers use their laptops in various settings for the sake of diverse experiences. Typical technology needed for remote work includes a computing device, printer, Wi-Fi network, and multiple cloud services and apps.

Embrace Company Culture‍

Company workers connecting a few puzzle pieces together

Even though remote work is exciting to some people as an escape from the office, it must still be viewed as part of a virtual workplace. To protect and contribute to the company's reputation, workers must understand and apply remote working best practices for small business to their work ethic. Managers must set clear expectations on performance to nurture an ecosystem of trust and loyalty among a virtual workforce.

Establish a Remote Work Policy‍

The company can maximize technology while protecting privacy if it sets a strict remote work policy, which consists of rules as to which specific employees can access digital assets. Using 24/7 monitoring software can help identify uninvited visitors on a network based on a list of authorized devices.

Stay Connected with Video Tools‍

Remote workers value independence, but it's wise to keep them connected with a group activity to remind them they're on a team of people working together. A powerful and effective way to stay in touch with a remote team is with video tools such as video chat. It's the closest thing to being in the office without being there, other than virtual reality and augmented reality technology that may eventually become more significant. Video conferencing software is a useful resource for organizing online staff meetings.

Contribute to Less Paper Usage‍

Once a company goes paperless, it should try to stay that way, other than using paper in a more minimized way. A startup can now plan for less office space thanks to the internet facilitating remote work from any location. Going more digital coincides with going greener. It helps boost a company's environmental reputation in an age when social responsibility is becoming a huge concern.

Encourage Clear Communication and Engagement‍

Woman doing a video conference with her manager

Small business managers can engage with remote workers through various digital channels such as company chat. The key for a well run remote work system to function efficiently is to require that all employees must be available and easy to reach through the phone or other digital channel. Establishing clear and open communication is vital for remote work to be successful.

Use the Right Software‍

Businesses can strengthen cybersecurity by developing a virtual private network. VPN software connects the employer with each home worker and facilitates multimedia activity such as video conference calls. This solution is useful for collaborative processes among remote teams. Building a modern digital infrastructure with appropriate software and cloud services has become a viable model for small businesses. Small firms can gain a competitive and technological edge by teaming up with an IT provider, which will also help meet government compliance.

Build Multiple Security Layers‍

Laptop, desktops computers and tablets with cybersecurity

Cybercrime has escalated to alarming levels, which means all businesses must take proactive steps to guard against cyberattacks. No one type of technology is compelling enough on its own to completely block out hackers, but implementing multiple security layers usually causes intruders to disappear. Useful security layers include virtualization, firewalls, encryption, multi-factor authentication, and 24/7 network monitoring.

Maintain a Stress-free Work Environment‍

The pandemic has led to an increase in stress, particularly among those who work more than one job. Employers should consider reducing employee stress by allowing for greater flexibility and incentives. The more employers can improve the remote work experience, the less turnover the company will likely see.

‍How to Make a Smooth Transition to Remote Work‍

Following these remote working best practices for small businesses is key to a smooth digital transformation. A startup should consider offering remote work, especially if it's a digital marketing firm that provides SEO for small business websites.

Existing enterprises exploring telework should consider issues such as offering insurance benefits to home workers as an incentive to be loyal and productive. Before implementing a work from home policy, the company should employ organized, self-motivated, and disciplined workers to produce the desired results.

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