Overlooked Features in a Company Website


José Gómez

Jan 7, 2019


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Nowadays, many people use search engines to look for products and services. Therefore, a company website can be a potent marketing tool for any business. However, many business owners overlook some crucial factors which could enhance the effectiveness of their sites.

The following are some features you need to look out for when designing your company website.

1. Navigation

When people visit your site, they would like to find what they are looking for easily. This is why good navigation is critical. Make sure your website has a prominently placed navigation bar. This is where visitors can see your products, know more about your business, start shopping, or contact you. Make sure your menus are labeled appropriately so that visitors know exactly what to expect when they click on a link.

2. Contrast

One of the most critical elements of good web design is contrast. For instance, you need to ensure that there is a proper contrast between your text and background. If there isn’t enough contrast, your text will not be readable, and you will only end up losing many visitors.

3. Content presentation

People who are visiting your site for the first time would want to know quickly what your business is all about. If your content is poorly presented, they might get put off and leave. Therefore, presentation is very vital for the success of any business website. Don’t just show your content in blocks of text. Break it down using bullet points, lists, different font sizes, and subheaders. This will make your content more readable and easy on the eye. Besides, you could use a few catchy images to retain the attention of the readers.

4. Call-to-action

When people land on your pages, they should know right away what you would want them to do next. Therefore, you need to ensure that your pages have prominent call-to-action buttons that visitors can use to take the desired actions. This could include joining your mailing list, making a purchase, or sharing your articles.‍

5. White space

Many businesses make the mistake of filling their web pages with excess text and visual content. However, some white space can be handy for directing attention to the essential content. Text or images which are of utmost importance should be given more space. This will ensure that readers give the content their undivided attention.‍

6. Extras

Some of the extras you need to include on your site include an RSS feed, social media buttons, and a link to your business blog. These will enable you to build relationships with your visitors and increase the chances of them purchasing on subsequent visits.

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