Use Crowdriff for Hotel Marketing



category folder



Once one dives into the world of online marketing, they are quick to learn that it requires an abundance of fresh, attractive content. Keeping up with this demand is time-consuming, and even pricey at times. However, gathering material does not always mean hiring professional photographers to photograph your hotel, or even spending hours scavenging the internet for relevant, royalty-free images. Now, there is Crowdriff. Crowdriff is an online service that does all the hard work for you in terms of finding related photos you can use on your website and other media channels. Move away from stock photography, which has shown to be unappealing to consumers, and utilize user-generated content. There are numerous benefits to user-generated content. However, it may be tricky locating it and the rights owners; that’s where Crowdriff comes in.

Crowdriff makes “the Internet your photographer” by searching for and arranging photos of your hotel, and surrounding attractions. They do this by finding items that have been posted all over the internet. Instead of searching through the interwebs and various social media channels, you can locate applicable photos all in one place. When logged into the website, you are taken to a platform in which you can use keywords to find pictures you would like to use. If your hotel is located in Los Angeles, for example, typing “Hollywood sign” in the search bar will provide a selection of photos from both professional and amateur photographers. You can then search through the results and organize the ones you are interested in by using folders. Crowdriff also makes requesting permission from the photographer a snap through their rights acquisition tool. With just a few clicks, you are directed to the origin of the photo and able to request permission from the photographer. Once approval is granted, you can use these photos for all your online marketing.

Create vast photo galleries filled with images that show off your hotel, attractions, and travelers; then, embed that gallery onto your website! Instead of adding each photo onto your website in a time-consuming and painstaking manner, copy/paste the gallery code into your site editor and enjoy a lively collage of photos. And because new images are posted online every day, you can change the pictures in your gallery to accommodate holidays, events, specials, or to keep things fresh! Stop stressing over always having to create new content, and start saving time with Crowdriff.

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