Guide: How to Handle Pressure at Work


Marcy Blevins

Oct 25, 2021


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How you handle pressure on the job is a quality that most businesses look for when hiring staff. If you think you may need to address the stress at your job to make it a more positive way to work, then there are a few tips to keep you positive and productive while working. Changing a few habits a week or a month will eventually help you have more productive days and a new outlook on pressure at work.

Staying Healthy Makes Healthy Responses Easier

Stay Positive

Happy team giving thumbs up

If you wonder how to handle pressure at work regularly, staying positive is one of the first steps. Staying positive includes eliminating negative self-talk but also eliminating talking in negative ways about others. Staying away from work-related gossip or drama is crucial so you can stay focused and motivated when it comes to your tasks. If you get distracted by negativity, it is easy for the pressure from your projects to affect you in negative ways. Keeping everything positive can help you look at stress as an opportunity to show your skills and talents instead of bringing about negative emotions.

Nutrition is Vital

No matter what age you are, nutrition is critical if you have a job with deadlines or pressure. Cutting out unhealthy items or limiting them to one time a week is an excellent way to focus on staying healthy. Also, eating during breaks or making sure you have the right foods to eat during lunch are essential to keep your mood elevated and blood sugar regular. Fast food, sugary drinks, and too much caffeine make staying focused and accomplishing tasks harder. Instead, focus on protein, vegetables, and plenty of water.

Exercise at Work

Woman doing chair yoga

If you typically sit or stand still for many hours at your job, it is essential to take breaks and do exercises to make sure you keep your blood flowing and your body stays healthy. Doing chair yoga or other simple exercises will help keep your physical body from getting fatigued.

Take Breaks

Taking mental breaks is also essential. Having a break to meditate or take a walk around the block will help you clear your mind and give you the self-care you need for a few minutes to come back with a better mindset.

Down Time

Dealing with pressure at work is eased when you know when to take time off. If you have time to do the things you love and even vacation, it is much easier to handle work pressure when needed.

Confide in a Support System

If you have a high-pressure job, it is vital to have a support system. Whether your support system is a group of co-workers, friends, or family, it is healthy to know when to vent. In addition, letting out all of the issues that bother you may help you brainstorm with your support system so you can come up with solutions that you wouldn't typically have thought of yourself.


Notebook with the words "Action Plan"

If you get a deadline or project at work, one of the first things you should do to make sure that you finish on time and work well with the pressure is to plan. No matter how you plan, the steps are small enough to see them as easy to accomplish and stay focused. Getting overwhelmed and letting the pressure get you can come from having too large projects. Breaking everything down into smaller pieces allows you to have accomplishments daily, motivating you to keep moving towards the deadline.

Part of planning for a big project may be to adjust your personal and business schedule. If you do need to change your schedule, let the people you usually socialize with know that you will be busy and plan to meet with them after your project is over. This informal meeting will let them know that you still care about them but give them the boundaries you need to verbalize to have less stress about social obligations as you finish your project.

Turning off electronics can also help you give undivided attention to stressful projects. Set a time in your schedule to put your phone in another room or turn it off. Also, checking email should have a set time during the day, so you don't lose focus on priorities throughout the day.

Remember Why You Love What You Do

Sometimes it is essential to sit and think about why you started your chosen career. For example, if you are under a lot of stress or pressure, remembering why you decided to take the job can boost motivation to tackle a project harder. You may also want to write down your reason or meditate on it daily to help you get through some of the more complex issues.

Change Your Mindset

Sticky note with the phrase "Mindset for Success"

If you are in a predominantly hostile environment or deal with many cynical people, there are plenty of ways to change your mindset. If anything, you can reward yourself each time you are positive all day and don't let the negativity get to you. Also, you can look at the environment as a game. No matter what you do, it is crucial to get through your workday with a healthy mindset so that it is easy for you to tackle significant projects and get up in the morning to get to work.

Work Differently

You should also consider some type of flexible work arrangements, where you can work part of the week from home so you can focus on completing those time-consuming projects. If you're working at the office, try closing your door to reduce outside distractions and interruptions. You can also try working from a restaurant or coffee house for a change of pace.

Our e marketing website and blog have many resources to help with productivity or outsource some of the more stressful digital marketing duties. Whether you need help with social media, marketing software, or a marketing solution to boost sales at your small business, you can trust the pros at E-Marketing Associates.

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