Effective Hotel Marketing Strategies to Attract International Travelers


Aileen Hoang

Dec 19, 2014


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One of the growing hospitality trends this year is the steady increase in international travel all around the world. Whether or not your hotel’s business mix includes a majority or minority of international travelers, this maturing segment of travelers should be receiving the adequate amount of attention it deserves. International travelers from different countries possess different necessities and preferences, often making it difficult to determine which hotel marketing strategies will be profitable in the future. Hoteliers must keep in mind that specific social channels and travel websites may be extremely popular in one country, while its presence may be almost non-existent in another. Despite the many differences between them, below, you will find a few general marketing strategies that are effective toward the entire segment of international travelers.

1. Provide Multilingual Options for Travelers Both Online and Offline.

The first step hoteliers should take toward attracting international travelers is to provide the hotel’s offerings and services in their language. To do this, make sure that your hotel’s website can automatically translate to various languages to accommodate your website’s visitors. If you already know what your top feeder markets are, then don’t hesitate to translate the entire site in those different languages to better appeal to your niche markets. For a more focused approach that’s highly effective, it is hugely beneficial to rewrite website content in a specific way that highlights the culture and interests of your international travelers. To provide a comprehensive experience for international hotel guests, it is recommended to form a multilingual staff on-site to ensure a more comfortable and seamless stay for your guests. If you have room in your budget to implement these strategies, then there’s nothing to lose and much to gain from capitalizing on the multilingual options that your hotel can offer to international travelers.

2. Emphasize the Local Attractions and Events Around the Hotel.

Location is one of the most critical factors travelers take into account during the booking process, which is no different from international travelers. International guests may not be very familiar with the local area of the hotel, but they likely did prior research of the places they would like to visit before booking. By taking this into account, another strategy for marketing to international travelers is to draw attention to the local attractions, activities, events, or anything of high value that will appeal to a global audience. Create a landing page or add more content to an existing webpage that better describes what’s popular in the local area. Also, consider your top feeder markets when creating this content, as this will be the key to shaping your website content to cater to your array of international guests.

3. Optimize Your Hotel’s SEO Efforts to Enhance its Presence Internationally.

When developing search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for your hotel, you must take your hotel’s international presence into account when targeting worldwide travelers. It is beneficial for hoteliers to educate themselves on their top feeder markets, especially on the things they are commonly searching for on the Internet concerning travel planning and booking. After conducting the appropriate amount of research, hoteliers will find that there are differences in keyword searches and sentence structure across different nations. Experiment with keywords to determine what works and what doesn’t work to increase your hotel’s online and international presence. By understanding the right form of messaging and keywords to use in your SEO strategies, you can better reach and attract international travelers to your hotel.

Due to the fast-growing segment of international travelers with each passing year, hoteliers must execute marketing strategies that are tailored to their top feeder markets to achieve profitable success both in the present and in the future.

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