Diversify Your Customer Base and Boost Sales


Nicole Cruz

Nov 25, 2021


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Many small businesses are always advised to keep a specific customer in mind. Understanding the target market is crucial to initial growth, but once your business stagnates, it could be time to start a strategy to diversify your customer base.

It is possible to diversify your customer profile while still keeping your business product or service as cohesive as possible. In this post, you can find some methods to be more inclusive in your customer base without compromising any of your successful practices so far.

Small Business Customer Diversification: A Detailed Guide

Content marketing geared towards new potential customers

Words "Content Marketing" drawn in a chalkboard

Yes, it is possible to have a larger market share without changing or spending much on product or service diversification. You can be as bright as simply having content marketing strategies focused on another set of people to whom your offers may be helpful.

How can this be done through content marketing? Below are some examples:

  • Using keyword terms used by a new customer base: For example, a small business selling educational materials can start using keywords used by teachers and homeschooling parents within their content marketing practices.
  • Creating valuable content for a wide range of audiences: Content that encompasses solving problems for a large audience is also helpful in getting leads. Companies with the largest customers often create blogs, videos, social media posts for various audiences.

Landing pages and web content meant for customer acquisition

Landing page in a mobile and tablet

Some small businesses often serve as “middlemen” for two clients. For example, a company develops a scheduling and sourcing program for people in need of home care services, so they need to look for leads on both ends--care providers and households in need of home care.

Thus, it is imperative to have landing pages that cater to both sides of the client base. Some elements to include are the benefits of signing up either as a client or a provider. Also called feature benefit selling, this consists of a comprehensive table where customers can look for the different features they can sign up for to suit their needs.

Creating landing pages and static web content meant to inform different clients helps diversify your customer base.

Utilizing the large pool offered by social media

Social media is a cost-effective way to access a large pool of audiences to generate leads. There are many options in diversifying your customer base in this area of digital marketing:

  • Targeted social media content: Using the newest trends in social media marketing such as reels, stories, or user-generated posts to engage more audiences with a different demographic
  • Using social media tools: Hashtags, targeted sponsored posts, collaboration with influencers, and other brands, can all be used to increase the types of leads one can have.

Partnering with media companies and personalities

Woman with a videocamera

Getting the word about your business can also be done through partnerships with media companies. Nowadays, there are different media companies such as conventional TV and print, or digital ones such as blogs, podcasts, or news sites.

Many media companies and personalities have such a wide range of audiences that even a single feature can help you diversify your customer base. You can get featured for free or through a fee depending on the media company or personality you are collaborating with.

Some ways to pitch to get featured include offering information that will be helpful to the media company’s audience, discussing a relevant topic within a news platform, or sharing a story about your business.

‍Observe your competitors and improve your strategies

Business man with binoculars

Diversifying your customer base is also about staying ahead in your industry. This can be done by observing where your target audience is flocking, such as leading brands or strong competitors within your niche. A step-by-step way to do this is by:

  • Identifying effective marketing strategies: List down some of the marketing strategies that your strong competitors are using. Are they using sponsored posts, user-generated content, or creating products depending on the season? Find methods that are feasible to you and implement them as your goal.
  • Take note of some branding elements: Branding is also an integral part of improving your customer base. Observe the subtle details of how your competitors present their brands, such as their design, logos, content voice, and other types of media.
  • Understanding systems: You can also identify some business practices that make your competitors efficient. Shipping, payment processing, customer service, logistics, and other elements are some areas you can look at. Skyscraping from these businesses’ systems can also help you get ahead in diversifying your customer base.

Diversifying Customer Base: Finding Simple, Effective Strategies

Increasing the number of customers you have doesn’t always mean a complete overhaul of your products or services. Using the strategies above, you can make small yet effective changes to widen your audience, have more leads, and increase sales.

Are you looking for a digital marketing company to help you diversify your customer base? EMA Associates can assist in all areas of small business marketing for growth. Tell us how we can help!

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