Facebook offers businesses a ‘Call-to-Action’ button that provides users with a seamless way of visiting your website. The button appears at the bottom right of the page’s cover photo, directly to the right of the share button. Because of its location, it is possibly one of the first things that will catch the attention of users visiting your page. The button allows guests to make their way over to your website if they are interested in booking a room.

The button is straightforward to set up and easy to do. Look to the bottom right of the cover photo on your profile page. You will see a blue button that says ‘+ Add a Button.'

Once you click the blue button, a pop-up will appear. The first step is to choose a button a relevant call-to-action. Since hotels are all about driving more direct bookings, select the ‘Book Now’ button and click next. You'll be directed to enter your website on a pop up window.

Review your Button and the website you wish to send users to. You'll also be given a preview of what the button will look like on your page.

Click 'Finish' to get your button setup.
Once the button is created, a ‘Book Now’ button will now appear in place of the ‘+ Add a Button.'
The new button is useful for hoteliers because it will give some data as to how many users from Facebook are interested in booking with the hotel. Hoteliers can easily view the number clicks the ‘Book Now’ button received in the past seven days. The button is higher up on the profile and more visible than a ‘Book Now’ app and will assist in encouraging guests to book directly with the hotel. Make sure to follow these steps on your way to properly managing your Facebook page.